Our Specialisations

Commercial Vehicle Accidents

Incidents involving heavy trucks, articulated combination rigs and buses require specialised skills to analyse Vehicle weight, air-brake systems, cargo loads and passenger positioning are important factors to consider, but these are often neglected by non-professional accident reconstructionists.

Passenger Vehicles/ Motor Cars

Low speed collisions are common on our busy roads, e.g.:
- Chain-collisons or a vehicle rear-ending another and pushing it to collide into the front car
- Collisons at traffic intersections, such as when a speeding card could not stop in time to avoid the crash.
- Was the green arrow in the driver's favour when turning or did the driver turn on red? These and other collision scenarios would require expert opinions for which we are professionally qualified to undertake.

Motorcycles & Bicycles

Motorcycle or bicycle cases are challenging and require skills of a trained specialist, who can do single-track vehicle analysis.


The human body is complex and their actions often unpredictable.

Was the pedestrian an adult or a child? Short or tall? Walking or running? Crossing left-to-right or right-to-left?

We are experienced in analysing and evaluating the various scenarios involving auto-pedestrian accidents.

Injury Causation

We are trained in Biomechanics of Injury - collaboration between engineers and medical doctors. The most common and abundant type of injury today are those that involve low speed rear-end collisions, which may often generate whiplash or neck injuries. We are able to help our clients by analysing and evaluating the Kinematics versus Dynamics and Biomechanics on the human body in a vehicle.

Human Factors

Was it light or was it dark? Rain or fog? Blinding lights? We can be relied upon for our expertise in areas of visual factors and perception-reaction time analysis..


Was the burst tyre caused by, or a factor in the accident? Did the brakes suddenly fail? Were the lights on at the time of collision? There are many also other factors to consider, which are not mentioned in this brief.

Surveying/ Assessing

We are absolutely unique in our expertise! Unlike others, our staff are skill-trained. We employ engineering and an accident reconstruction approach to determine the consistency of the damages prior to conducting the surveys. We have the professional expertise for plant and machinery and motor vehicles.

Fire Investigation & Failure Analysis

Our experts are trained in fire investigation methodology and are members of the National Association of Fire Investigators. We have extensive hands-on engineering experience involving investigations of machine failures and their causes.

Courses & Skills Training/ Upgrading

Our trainers have received instruction in the UK, USA and Australia. The following courses are presently available for interested organisations and professionals:

- Basic Scientific Traffic Accident Investigation
- Advanced Scientific Traffic Accident Investigation
- Traffic Accident Reconstruction
- Motor Vehicle Damage Survey/ Assessment

We are also able to offer courses customised to your organisation's needs.